Thursday, June 30, 2011

Marketing your business

Marketing your business

Veretekk is a popular marketing tool however many people get bogged down in the back office and fail to realise that is what they are needing is leads for their business there is a simple solution.

Provided that you have some auto responder messages to send out to your leads then all you need to do is is purchase a number of Gold systems. now you might ask why purchase multiple Gold systems. the answer is simple if someone sign up up via the Veretekk route domain rather than your sub domain, then these leads are passed exclusively with Gold subscribers. So the more systems you own the more Premium leads you will receive in addition to your own marketing.

All the Veretekk portals have default setting designed to capture leads and if you do not have time to reset them to boost your own marketing these portals will still provide hundreds of daily lead to which you can send your auto responder messages to.

In addition to providing leads you can save/earn money by placing accounts one below the other down to three levels.

I always suggest that when you first sign up at Veretekk you enter your own name as your user/account name. Many people do not understand the importance for this but it the first part of branding yourself, You need to have a good image on the Internet so that if someone enters your name in a search engine they will be able to find out about you, trust you and hopefully work with you and your business. Your second gold you sign up from your own account (money saving hint sign up up for silver first then give yourself a free 30 day gold trial) Make sure you select a good keyword phrases as user name to promote your business. signing up in this way will reduce you subscription by $10.

You can then repeat the process and sign up again in your second account which will give you a further monthly saving of $5.

There is one further level you can go down to if you wish and this will double your total monthly savings to $30.

The third level is where you can earn the best money, for every account opened at your third level you will earn a commission of $15 and by using the method outlined above you will also earn a further $5 and $10, in other words $30 out of the $55 subscription will come to you at the third, helping to build another income stream alongside your business.

Your outlay for using this strategy is $140 per month which is a lot less than many people pay for leads and you will have a collection of some 120 portals proving leads and promoting your business.

When you have time you can look into the other features of Veretekk, the conference rooms, mentoring web hosting and social marketing feature which help build your business and income on the Internet.

Veretekk Marketing Asia
USA Office - 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST
Philippines +63 (0)9991141149

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Roofing materials, what is better choice to place on the roof of your family home, shed, pergola or gazebo? Have you considered roofing shingles? Roof shingles offer a far more affordable option than sheet metal or concrete roof tiles. As a roofing material roof shingles offer a far more practical solution today, they not only look great fixed to any roofing structure but they also offer more rewarding energy conservation because of the insulation quality that is associated with asphalt shingles. By using a more energy conscious roofing material alternative you are helping to protect the environment in which we all live. Quality roofing materials will bring your home to life with a more modern look that will value you add to your homes resale value. Traditional metal roofs fade and can rust not to mention the leaking issues and noise issues. Metal roofs have a tendency to make large expansion bangs on hot days as well as offer poor insulation qualities. Whilst traditional tiled roofs can crack in extreme weather conditions, crack from hail, leak and be very expensive to replace, not to mention the maintenance issues associated with roof tiles. It is an obvious choice roof shingles make the very best roofing material choice and with more Australian home owners are choosing roof shingles on new home construction as well as home renovations due to the light weight, better insulation and strength qualities.

Dipolog Houseand Lot For Sale

Roofing materials, what is better choice to place on the roof of your family home, shed, pergola or gazebo? Have you considered roofing shingles? Roof shingles offer a far more affordable option than sheet metal or concrete roof tiles. As a roofing material roof shingles offer a far more practical solution today, they not only look great fixed to any roofing structure but they also offer more rewarding energy conservation because of the insulation quality that is associated with asphalt shingles. By using a more energy conscious roofing material alternative you are helping to protect the environment in which we all live. Quality roofing materials will bring your home to life with a more modern look that will value you add to your homes resale value. Traditional metal roofs fade and can rust not to mention the leaking issues and noise issues. Metal roofs have a tendency to make large expansion bangs on hot days as well as offer poor insulation qualities. Whilst traditional tiled roofs can crack in extreme weather conditions, crack from hail, leak and be very expensive to replace, not to mention the maintenance issues associated with roof tiles. It is an obvious choice roof shingles make the very best roofing material choice and with more Australian home owners are choosing roof shingles on new home construction as well as home renovations due to the light weight, better insulation and strength qualities.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lose Weight USA

Stress and Weight Gain

Did you know that's stress can thwart your healthy weight loss plans. Recently I have been under a lot of stress and one of the bodies natural reactions is to eat unhealthy foods. This is caused by a hormone that helps the body deal with stress.

The hormone is called Cortisol 101 and is normally good for you as it playa a major role regulating your cardiovascular functions, but excessive levels caused by stress can lead to a number of problems such as:-

  • Impaired brain function
  • Suppressed thyroid function
  • Decreased bone density
  • Increased appetite
  • Weight gain
  • Depression
You see Cortisol acts as a powerful signal to increase your appetite and store fat and this is not good for your healthy weight loss. Higher levels of Cortisol tell your brain you are hungry and what is worse alert your fat cells to store as much fat as they can and not release it.This is why you have a craving for high fat, high carb foods, which can lead to dangerous weight gain and contribute to you becoming obese.

So how can you reduce stress and maintain you healthy weight loss well you can try:-

  • Exercising regularly
  • Get Sufficient sleep
  • Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing
  • Avoid excessive sugar and caffeine
Sometimes stress is unavoidable but by adapting good lifestyle habit you can avoid it affecting your healthy weight loss plans

David Ogden
Healthy Weight Loss
Ph 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST